Friday, September 21, 2012

Isuzu Sightings

Here's some pictures of Isuzu that spotted in my works.
My company build the new Airport in Bali, so most of them is a construction truck.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hi-LUV Project : WorkShop 03

Just received new pictures.
 Replacing left A-Pillar
 Fixing the rust under and behind left door
 Looking good without the bed :)

Still have to fix sooo many things.. :(

Sketches : Others

Sketches : Isuzu

1967 Isuzu Unicab

1972 Isuzu Unicab

 2010 Isuzu D-Max Short Cab

Sketches : Isuzu KB

Sketches : 2nd Gen UBS

Sketches : 1st Gen UBS

This is my 1st Gen UBS sketches, the oldest one was made more than ten years ago.
I draw for fun, but some of them is reference for my project or requested by my friend for their cars.
This is my sketch for 1985 LWB UBS, made it 12 years ago when I'm in HighSchool.

A sketch for my prvious SWB 1985 1st Gen UBS. This sketch leads the 1985 SWB project which won "Ride of The Month" in August 2010 by PlanetIsuzoo

 My other 1st Gen UBS sketches

1982 Bighorn Jackaroo 10.000km BigRun in Australia : Bushdriver Magazine Australia